latest NEWs

4th march 2025

The 20th march, the first single of the record will be available on digital platforms! I'm super happy to start sharing this record with you and particularly this song..that feels to me, both the beginning and completion of the journey it contains. You can pre-save 'A place we go to' here



Photo: Mina Wang-Andersen ❤

7th dec 2024

Hello there,

Its been so enjoyable for me to come back to Uk for a little while, to revisit and to discover anew, cities, streets, people and to see, even in these hard times, people moving forward, doing their best..

I hope you are enjoying this start of the advent, the lights on the trees, in the streets, glamorous and dodgy santas in the form of statues or low quality chocolate treats. Its easy to get overly nostalgic but there’s something I like about it all..

So i’ve been dipping my toes into singing my songs live again. I feel blessed that i’ve come to encounter such nice crowds. I would like to thank all the promoters and venues that are making this little tour possible and I know how much hard work goes into this. Thanks to The Harrison, Eleanor at Tuned in London and The undergrowth in Bristol. I have one more public show. If you live in Norwich, nearby, or have friends, there are a few more tickets left for this little singer songwriter get together. We are collaboratively organising it in an old pub turned ceramic studio called The Potters Arms.

If you’d like tickets here’s the link: The Potters Arms - Norwich

Here’s and little link to the instagram reel of the Bristol gig

If any of you happened to follow the project I led called Speaking With Alna, you may be familiar with friend and musician JB Soulard. He happens to release a new record today so I’d like to give him a little shout out as I belive it worth sharing. I’d like to add the music of another collaborator Simin Tander, whose voice brought me peace and solace during covid. She has released a single and will be soon releasing her new album.

JB Soulard: Les embolies

Simin Tander: Remembering

I hope you enjoy these little treads and hope to see you at a show soon,

Brooke x

23rd April

Hello all.

Thanks so much for your patience in the delivery of my new release. Its delivery date has changed to autumn this year. The process is taking longer than I first thought and it’s been a winding road to say the least. Thanks so much for your patience.

Also, I have changed my newsletter to substack in order to share more than simple news and interact with you more easily. So feel free to join the community of like minded people below to receive updates on music, poems and much more…

Those of you already subscribed to my previous newsletter will be automatically added to this one. Thank you for sticking around.

27th sep

Hello everyone!

Thank you for your patience in any updates, i’ve been in full on process with a few projects and I didn’t honour my communication with you. I apologise for that. Know that im deeply grateful for you interest and support in this music making business…sending you love!

Here’s a share..

For each season so far this year, i’ve been putting on an created with kulturhus Kruttverket in Oslo and in partnership with Friends of Alna organization (ASlnaelvasvenner) who assure that the river Alna in Oslo is well taken care of, that its eco system is preserved and honoured. The aim for these events was to bring local people closer to their river though talks, walks, performances and open conversations. The first 2 events were super fun. I organised the performance part as well as treating myself to the luxury of including myself in the lineup…

The concept is that 3 artists spend 1h by the river Alna, and then spend 2 days in residency exploring their relationship with each other and the river alna with her ancient forest. The 3 artists create a 40 minute long performance semi arranged and semi improvised to an audience at the SPEAKING WITH ALNA event. Here’s a snippet of our performance with dancer and visual composition artist Katja Schia and French musician Jean-Baptiste Soulard. I hope you enjoy it!

20th June

Running up to the second SPEAKING WITH ALNA event, I thought I’d ask french artist Jean-Baptiste Soulard some questions in regards to his process and feelings towards this meeting by the river next week and here´s what he said:


I have already participated in one or two performances, one of which was recently at the Louvre Museum in Paris, a performance with a dancer friend where we have been brought to ‘soak up’ the space around us. Immersed in the middle of a room filled with ancient statues, we worked with Lisa on the relatioship between inert body and movement, the influence of time on movement.

 To this day, Alna is for me something rather vague, an element, a river, a place. I'm trying to keep as much mystery as possible precisely to have the excitement of discovery and creation when I come next week.

 I don't know yet exactly if I'm going to bring a lot of already recorded music and textures; but what is certain is that intuitively, this experience makes me want to go and work on organic things, the voice, my voice, that of Brooke, to play on several instruments perhaps.

I will come for the occasion accompanied by an instrument that I adore with very strong poetic potential, the Charango.


To prepare for my visit, I have been listening for several days to a composer whose work I really like, his name is Gustavo Santaolalla and it is thanks to him that I discovered this instrument. He is a great composer of film music, he works regularly with the Mexican director Alejandro Inarritu. If I had to make you discover a piece that inspires me, it would be this one: Gustavo Santaolalla - De Ushuaia a La Quiaca


I have never been to the banks of Alna or even been to Norway for that matter. In addition to seeing an artist who touches me deeply and also happens to be a good friend of mine, Brooke, I'm really curious to come and participate in this "ritual". The event created around ALNA particularly arouses my curiosity.

I am very excited also at the idea of ​​meeting other artists and creating without having time to think "too much".

This is not always the case in my work as a professional musician full of projects related to the music industry where it is often necessary to impose aesthetic limitations of one’s creations to meet the requirements of commercial strategies.

 The idea of ​​coming to create without "constraint", with the main objective of being as connected to the place as possible is a great opportunity as an artist.

Leaving room for the ‘accident’, for the unexpected and let the body, the voice speak.

 For my part, I live in the Paris region and not far from a river called "La marne". Even if the environment remains quite urban around this river, I like to spend some time there with my children; I teach them how to observe and feel the nuances of things.

 It is therefore with a mixture of excitement and tranquility that I prepare for my visit next week.


My favorite season is of autumn as I was born on November 5th so I remain connected to the sweet nostalgia i find within it, but choosing a season to me is a complicated choice as the 4 seasons charm me in their singularity.

 Dear ALNA, I am impatient to exchange with You.

For more infomation or to listen to Jean-Baptists music, follow:

For more about the event speaking with alna event in Oslo, Norway, follow this link:

20th june

SPEAKING WITH ALNA : Speaking With Alna is a series of events with contemplations around Alna River happening this spring, summer and autumn 2023. All events are free and for all.

Some of you may know you are subscribed to my newsletter that I have helped co-create a series of events called SPEAKING WITH ALNA, and an accompanying concept show that brings together 3 artists from varyingly different mediums to create a semi-improvised show after 2 days residency in a selected venue. the whole events consists of a walk lead by Alnaelvasvenner (Friends of Alna organisation), an exhibition organized by Culture house KRUTTVERKET, and there will also be talks and discussions around the river alna and how we can help the river and surrounding ancient forest to thrive.

The next event (number 2), will take place at KRUTTVERKET, a cultural centre next to the river itself. I will be experimenting and performing with Jean- Baptiste Soulard from France and Katja Schia from Oslo, Norway on the 2nd June. You can find more information here:

You can follow speaking with alna on any of these instagram pages:

@speakingwithalna / @alnaelvasvenner / @kruttverket

4th feb 2023


THANKS SO MUCH to you all you supported this campaign to raise money for the making of a new EP. We went beyond the goal and raised over 5150 pounds. I can't thank you enough. Wishing you joy and happiness in life and all your creative endeveours. Love. Brooke xx





9th jan 2023

Happy new year to you all!

With 2 weeks to go, we are at 31% of the goal to make a new EP. You can still be a core part of the making of this music and support the project at

With love

Brooke x

Tuesday 6th dec 2022

So it is out! we are ON!

Massive congratulations to
@Peter Van Neuss
@Martin Brinkler
& @Cody McClelland
For taking the title of 'Wild enthusiasts' on the booklet of the new EP in the making! you were FAST.

If you'd like to hear more music from me, you can support my project at and join my newsletter for silly games, updates on life unfolding and music (

Sending my love...and a little more...

Brooke xx

Monday 5th december 2022

IT IS ROLLING! The crowdfunding campaign is now LIVE! You can pre-order the new EP in the making and many more perks while supporting the continuation of the music I make. I invite you to explore the video, click on the perks to discover the hidden add ons and get a feel on how you’d like us to connect. I am so excited to be doing this with you! 

So much love your way.


Sunday 4th december 22

I have some exciting new landing in the coming days…watch this space.


Brooke x

24th June 2022

UK show 2022

Photo by Adrian Axel

6th febuary 2021

Over the sun to the announcing my show in a few days, at Blå, Oslo, on 9th Feb.

I’ll be accompanied by the talents of artists themselves, Aksel Undset (backing vocals) and Christian Meaas Svendsen on double bass.

It would be glorious to see you there :)

Facebook event:

2nd october 2021

30th September 2021

Ladies and Gentle-men...It's OUT. You can listen to 'Beautiful Victim' here:


Watch it's visual version here:

Thanks for the fun times, the mundane tasks, the creative buzz, the clarity of communication, the time and energy and skills of all involved.

(Blythe Pepino, Adrian Axel, Babylegs Records)

#music #movement #single #release #babylegs #Ingrooves #transformational #change #mother #victim #art #emotions #vulnerability #women #power #wisdom #naked

BV pic 5.jpg

29th september 2021

To celebrate the release of my new single 'Beautiful Victim' OUT TOMORROW! Blog When The Horn Blows are featuring my new video, made with and by Adrian Axel. You can watch it here. Beware, it get's a touch witchy. I love you. xx


Released on Babylegs Records

Production dance with the wonderful Blythe Pepino (Mesadorm)

#music #feature #blog #video #folk #pop #victim #mother #growth #beauty #release #creativity #gateway #alive #whole #sovereign #power #vulnerability #compassion #Single #selflove #love #emotions #feeling #beautiful #victim #beads #Invisible #blue #sadness #healing

20th September 2021

What if, what we once considered to be ugly and unlikable turned out to be sensitive and beautiful? Our own, unique, un-nurtured, inner, beautiful victim...

'Beautiful victim' will be released on 30th September.

Pre-save link:

15th September

I'm overjoyed to announce that my new single; ' Beautiful Victim' ; to be released on September 30th'. Contemplating the force of the mother and our ability to see into and past our wounds.

Watch this space

To be released on 30th September.

Love you x

Produced by Blythe Pepino and released on @babylegsrecords

BV pic 1.jpg

12th september 2021

For those of you in Oslo, or know people, I have the treat of playing in awesome venue and culture hub, BLÅ on the 27th September. I sooo look forward to playing live.. Maybe see you there. With love xx

Leo Geller on bass and Aksel Undset on guitar.

#music #live #show #olso #singersongwriter #newsongs #venue #culture #norway #bla #band

Here’s the facebook event link:


27th July 2021

Thanks at Fresh on the net for a little review and for Mmm Ja being the track of the week…

Here's a little live video for you recorded beside the local river in Oslo a few weeks back. A live version of Mmm Ja. Thanks for the arrangement contributions to Michael Barrett Donovan on guitar and Leo Geller on bass. Thanks also for the filming and editing talents of Adrian Axel. Enjoy!

Much love


15th July 2021

To celebrate the release of ‘Mmm Ja’ today, here’s a little DIY video for you, shot on my camera… enjoy :)

13th july 2021






23rd june 2021


‘Mmm Ja’ released on Babylegs records on 15th July!

It's been brewing and at last, I'm super happy to announce that I shall be releasing my first single in a long while called 'MMM JA' on the wonderful Babylegs Records. 15th July is the special day and look forward to sharing it with you. I had the pleasure of writing this as I arrived in Oslo, moving here with creature extraordinaire Aksel Undset , between 2 waves of Corona in December. I also had the huge pleasure of co-producing the track with super talent Blythe Pepino, friend, colleague and singer/songwriter from one of my favorite bands, Mesadorm. Its taken a while and there have been many stops and starts in the process but I'm over the moon with this team and to be sharing once again. I feel excited and grateful. Sending you love and music..soon..xx

Brooke Sharkey sea smaller.jpg

Photo by Adrain Aksel

10th june 2021

Hello everyone!

I hope you're enjoying the continuing emergence of spring!

I am super excited about this series of workshops I am offering starting at the end of June called 'A Moving Light: Journey into our creative nature'.

It's a 4 week online course, meeting once a week in which we explore the relationship we have with our creativity and it's moment to moment invitation. I will guide and hold safe space for you as we walk through activities, reflections, collaborations and meditations. The group will be small, with 7 of us journeying. If getting closer to where you abide with the gentless of your own gifts is resonating with you, feel free to email me at This may appeal mostly to anyone who has been longing to start a work in a known or yet to be discovered artistic medium, to creatively active people and artists who want to welcome more flow and ease or anyone who longs to connect more deeply to people and life and share the expression of their unique experience with others also on their curious way. I look forward to hearing from you. Much love. Brooke xx

’'..The sessions renewed my faith in the wonder of the world. The depth of connectivity between the participants was the most significant aspect for me. I found the experience inspirational…'' Paul Tobin (Poet, UK, participant)

30th April

Thanks for coming here.

I have just laughed my new adventure called ‘ A moving light’ where I lead creative and transformational workshops and retreats. I am very excited about this. Please find the above ‘A Moving Light’ page above to discover more about where and why it started.

I will leave you on this spring note:

From the darkest trees

From the darkest trees blossom the greenest buds

From the greenest buds whisper the sweetest sounds

And from the sweetest sounds emerge the largest smiles.

Some remain beaming in a seizure of immense possibility.

Spring has at last landed in my heart bringing me closer to love

At last landed in my heart after…

Weeks of dancing

Weeks of playing to and fro

Weeks of learning each others language once again

Weeks of waiting for the first invitation.

I have been resisting this change

Out of mistrust

But you have always come

May I remember these words in the darkest trees

When winter comes along.

21 feb


Thanks for showing up here and still being open to this conversation. I wish you well wherever you are and whatever rules are shaping your life, and I hope you all feel all supported by inner and outer love. Let me add some more here..

I'm currently in Oslo, and even though I have arrived in this new country, in truth I'm in mid transition still, as I slowly allow the nuances of how this country flows, enter into my being with its new colours, textures, and sounds. I notice how art and music are really helping me enter into conversation with this city and how this play is helping me adapt to the change of re-rooting. I look forward to bringing to you, what 's coming through me.



I would like to tell you about the album I have been trying to make for 3 years now that took me on a deep journey without and within, as it slipped through the hands of 2 producers and finally made a home in a sparse, modern and spacious dress in Paris with a net cast by me and a 'producer/artist'.


It is still on hold until I find a way that honours both of our investments.

Walking away wasn't easy but to accept was to abandon my truth and after coming out of a dark time, this was not an option.

Is there a time you had to make a hard choice and trust yourself above all the noise?

There are times where that little voice needs some amplifying...

So this is where I am at, sitting gloriously in the discomfort of not knowing...

We are (currently) album- less but I am feeling free!

I have little to offer you in material at this minute but a lot to offer in spirit and in inspiration while dancing to the beat of my own drum once again!

I hope you hear its rhythm and dance with me while it feels good for you. If there's one thing I desire now, it's to share more with you.


I'm mega happy to announce that I'll be playing at the Green note (online) on the 10thMarch with both friends and colleagues, Blythe Pepino and Tobias Jacob. It feels so good to get a chance to play for you again. 


You can buy tickets here:

For those of you who like regular contact, I am most active on Instagram at the moment and will be sharing more on my Facebook music page too. 

I would like to leave you with a poem by Mary Oliver that I deeply resonate with (see below).

I hope you enjoy your week,

Sending you much love.

Brooke xx


The Journey
by Mary Oliver

One day you finally knew

what you had to do, and began,

though the voices around you kept shouting their bad advice

--though the whole housebegan to tremble

and you felt the old tug at your ankles.

"Mend my life!"each voice cried.

But you didn't stop.

You knew what you had to do,

though the wind pried

with its stiff fingers at the very foundations,

though their melancholy was terrible.

It was already late

enough, and a wild night,

and the road full of fallen

branches and stones.

But little by little,

as you left their voice behind,

the stars began to burn

through the sheets of clouds,

and there was a new voice

which you slowly recognized as your own,

that kept you company

as you strode deeper and deeper

into the world,

determined to do

the only thing you could do

--determined to save

the only life that you could save.

May 22nd

I am very happy to announce ill be playing an online show this 23rd May at 7pm UK time.

Here’s the link to the Facebook event for more info :

The show will be live streamed here from my music Facebook page :

I look forward to seeing you there.


Brooke xx

april 22nd

Hello everyone! I wish you well. I hope you are enjoying the sun today, and if not the sun, the clouds and if not the clouds, the prospect of a clearing or your closing eyes and the dreaming of it.

I am very happy to announce that I will be doing AN ONLINE SHOW! Its been a while but I really can’t wait to do it. It will happen on Sunday 26th April at 2pm. I will tell you more soon, but please watch this space.


Brooke x


Hello everyone! Thanks for visiting this website. I hope you and your loved ones are doing well during these times. I with you all the best. I thought i’d share these few words that flowed out during a short meditation in the garden during this springtime. I’ve been spending time reading, writing and playing music and look forward to telling you what’s coming up…soon.

Only the flower knows:

Only the flower know why we don’t grow by asking the world to pull us forcefully and expectantly towards it. Does a flower grow by pulling on its petals? The wind delicately plays with the petals to strengthen them to an eventual storm and the sun caresses their surface with gentle heat to invite the flower to the sky. Even with all the help and all the invitations from the outside, only the flower knows how far she can reach without weakening her core, denying strength to her stem and allowing all the water, air, earth and wind she needs to nourish her entirety. She alone understands her pace and her flow. If she gives this away, she can never truly blossom and be as beautiful as she was intended to be in the world.

Thank you.



BBC Radio 6 Music - Mary Anne Hobbs  

‘ She’s sure to stop you in your tracks…Really is so beautiful…’

Patrick Derloin - Fip Radio France - ‘Un ressenti qui traverse le corps et l'âme et on ne se pose pas d'avantage de question, le disque reste dans la tête et dans le cœur, il est au dessus des autres…’

Fresh beats

..oozes with a creativity that radiates emotion; offering an impression of Sharkey as a woman who bleeds artistry..She stands alone in an emerging folk scene, with raw credentials and an honesty that is mesmerisingly magnetic.

The Observer   

‘Brooke has an incredible voice, amazing control and Grace